The Road to nowhere …. another unfulfilled promise between the federal government and ordinary people.

In the 1930s and 40s people were displaced with the creation of Great Smoky Mountain National Park, and further with the building of Fontana Dam and Lake Fontana. People of many small communities lost their homes and the highway that once took them to their communities was buried under the new lake. The federal government promised to build a new road to connect these displaced people to their community cemeteries that remain, to this day along the north shore of lake fontana. Construction of the road stopped when an environmental issue was exposed. The issue was resolved, however, construction never resumed. Legal issues surrounding road building were finally resolved in 2010 with a settlement where the Federal Government paid swain county North Carolina 52 Million Dollars instead of building the road. The road to nowhere is now simply a hiking trail complete with a half mile tunnel ….
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