Bastrop County – Introduction / History
Bastrop, Texas is the county seat of Bastrop County, Texas. Stephen F. Austin was looking to form a settlement at the far reaches of his original colony. The town was originally formed in 1832 as a municipality of Mexico and named for Felipe Enrique Neri, Baron de Bastrop who had helped Stephen F. Austin acquire land grants in Texas. In 1834, the town name was changed to Mina (within Mina Municipality which included much of the land contained in 16 counties, today) and in 1837 it was incorporated under Texas law and the name was changed back to Bastrop. Bastrop County (formerly known as Mina Municipality) is one of the 23 original counties of The Republic of Texas.
From 1850 to 1874 the county was whittled down to its present size. The first county courthouse was built in 1853. That first courthouse burned down in 1883, at which time, the second and present courthouse was constructed. The County is also home to the largest stand of loblolly pines well west of their range, today. These are known as the “lost pines”, due to them being so far removed from the main vein in far east Texas.
The town of Bastrop was constructed at the original Colorado River crossing of the Old San Antonio Road, AKA El Camino Real De Los Tejas Trail.
The county has the dubious distinction of the most destructive wildfire in Texas History …. 2011 Bastrop Complex Fire, in which, well over 1600 homes were lost.
Things to do
There is so much going on, generally, there truly is something everyone in the family will enjoy doing, Adults and kids. Smithville, Elgin and Bastrop all have things to do and see. Other hamlets in the county do, as well. We went to the Watermelon festival in McDade, one visit and had a fantastic time! Research, carefully and you will surely find a reason to visit. We absolutely love our visits to the area!
There are two state parks in the area with activities ranging from camping to fishing to hiking. Fisherman’s park in the town of Bastrop is a must see, when one is in the area. Great place to sit and have a picnic or just sit and dream, while the Colorado River slowly wanders by ……
Pictures of the older County Courthouses
None Located to Date.
Pictures of the County Courthouse of 1883 (Current)
Courthouse: Remodeled in 1924, south wing added in 1953 and Annex added in 2004.
County Jail: Built in 1892, remodeled in 1925, converted into office space in 1974.
Other County Attractions
- County Centennial Marker – On the traffic median directly in front of the entrance to Bastrop State Park – BASTROP COUNTY A part of Austin’s grant in 1821; Created the municipality of Mina, 1834; Became the County of Mina in the Republic of Texas, 1836. Name changed to “Bastrop,” December 18, 1837,in honor of Felipe Enrique Neri, Baron de Bastrop, 1770-1829, land commissioner of Austin’s Colony. Member of the Congress of Coahuila and Texas. Bastrop, the County Seat
- Bastrop State Park – Lost Pines
- Beuscher State Park – Small, but, very nice
- Fisherman’s Park – Lovely Views of the Colorado River and Bridge
- Ferry Park – Right under the Bridge
Our List of additional attractions to see
Camp Swift
El Camino Real De Los Tejas Trail (National Park Service)
Farm Street (In town Bird Refuge)
If anyone knows of anything else … please leave us a comment! We’d love to see it, next time we go out!!
County Website
Texas State Historical Association
Wikipedia Article
El Camino Real De Los Tejas Trail