Fayette County – Introduction
The County Seat of Fayette County Texas is the City of LaGrange. Fayette County was established in 1837 from land given by Bastrop and Colorado counties. Fayette County is named for the Marquis de Lafayette, a French noble who became a hero of the American Revolution.
Pictures of the older County Courthouses
None Located to Date.
Pictures of the Fayette County Courthouse of 1891 (Current)
Here are our pictures of a wonderfully restored work of art.

Other Fayette County Attractions
There are things to see throughout Fayette County Texas. Our travels, to date, have been limited to the towns along US Highway 77. We will visit other towns in the county as time permits.
- Fayette County Centennial Marker – FAYETTE COUNTY Formed from Colorado and Bastrop counties. Created December 14, 1837. Organized January 1, 1838. Named in honor of Marquis de LaFayette. 1757-1834. Nobleman and republican friend of Washington and of the United States. County Seat, La Grange.
- Fayette County Jail
- MKT Railroad Station in Lagrange
- Colorado River Bridge in Lagrange
- Hostyn Texas and Augustine Haidusek Memorial
- Monument Hill and Kreische Brewery State Historical Site.
- Piano Bridge – West of Dubina Texas on Piano Bridge Road – Over the East Navidad River
Our List of additional attractions to see
- Willow Springs Road Bridge – Through truss bridge over Cummins Creek on Willow Springs Road west of TX 159 between Fayetteville and Willow Springs.
- Mulberry Creek Bridge – Relocated Bedstead pony truss bridge Wolters Park in Schulenberg Texas.
- Centennial Street Cedar Creek Bridge – Slab bridge over Cedar Creek on Centennial Street/458 in Carmine Texas.
- Ammannsville’s Painted Church – St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
- Winedale Historical Center
- Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church – Cistern Texas (Dubina)
- The Old Peter’s Family Store in Dubina
- Saint Mary’s Catholic Church – Ellinger Texas
- The Chudej Brothers Store – Engle Texas
- Pricinct Courthouse – Fayetteville, Texas
- The Red & White and The Dawn Theater
– Fayetteville, Texas - Railroad Switch Tower – Flatonia, Texas
- Central Texas Rail History Center – Flatonia, Texas
- Lyric Theater – Flatonia Texas
- St. Mary’s Catholic Church – High Hill Texas
- Hostyn Church and Cemetery
- Railroad Bridge over Barton Creek East of Kirtley on Hwy 71.
- Kruschel Memorial Park in Lagrange
- Muster Oak Northeast corner of Courthouse Square
- 1890 Kerr Store and Stone water tank in Muldoon
- Old Store and Tower structure in Oldenburg
- Saint Mary’s Church in Praha
- WWII Memorial Shrines in Praha (3)
- Pricinct Courthouse in Round Top
- United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Swiss Alp
- Cot-n-coffee and old Gasoline pump Walhalla Texas
- Dog Trot Cabin and Cotton Gin in Warrenton Texas
- West Point Texas
- Winedale School in Winedale
- Stuermer Store in Ledbetter
If anyone knows of anything else … please leave us a comment! We’d love to see it, next time we go out!!
Fayette County Website
Texas State Historical Association
Wikipedia Article