Introduction to Kleberg County
Kleberg County Texas was organized in 1913 and is named for Robert J. Kleberg, an early settler. The county seat of Kleberg County is Kingsville. Most of the county’s land is within the fences of the famed King Ranch.
Kleberg County is quite rural and very sparsely populated, however, Kingville does have a lot of things to see packed into the only real city in the county.
Pictures of the older County Courthouses
There have never been any other courthouses within Kleberg County, therefore, there are no photographs to find.
Pictures of the 1914 Kleberg County Courthouse
The current Kleberg County Courthouse is the only courthouse ever built within the county. Erected in 1914, and located in Kingsville, Texas. It has had one addition, a single story annex built in 1966. The county jail originally occupied the third floor, but, in 1997 a new Jail was built ouside the city.
Other Kleberg County Attractions
- Kleberg County Centennial Marker – Kleberg County Formed from Nueces County, created February 27, 1913. Organized June 27, 1913. Named in honor of Robert Justus Kleberg, 1803-1888, a pioneer German settler in Texas, a veteran of San Jacinto. Kingsville, County Seat .
- Kingsville 1904 Train Depot
- Santa Gertrudis Monument
Our List of additional attractions to see
We definitely need to get to a museum, next time we are in the area. Touring the King Ranch seems like a great dream!
- King Ranch Tour
- King Ranch Museum
- Dick Kleberg Park
- John E Conner Museum at Texas A&M University Kingsville
- The 1904 Train Depot Museum
- King Ranch Saddle Shop
- Loyola Beach and “Kings Inn”
- Kaufer-Hubert Memorial Park
If anyone knows of anything else … please leave us a comment! We’d love to see it, next time we go out!!
Kleberg County Website
Texas State Historical Association
Wikipedia Article