County – Introduction
The County Seat of Milam County Texas is the City of Cameron. Milam County is named for Benjamin Rush Milam, 1788-1835, who was an early area settler and a soldier in the Texas Revolution who fell at San Antonio. The Milam County area was part of Robertson’s colony in 1834 also was part of the municipality of Viesca, 1835. Named changed to Milam, December 27, 1835.
Pictures of the older County Courthouses
None Located to Date.
Pictures of the Milam County Courthouse of 1891 (Current)
We had seen this courthouse outside several times. The inside was very much worth the wait to see. Here are our pictures of a wonderfully restored work of art.

Other Milam County Attractions
There are things to see throughout Milam County Texas. The original County Seat was Nashville, today, there isn’t much there except a marker or two. Cameron is the current county seat, as well as a quiet little town. There is a small collection of buildings near the courthouse, including, a log cabin, a calaboose, and the more permanent 1895 County Jail and some other odds and ends. The largest city in Milam County is Rockdale. Our travels, to date, have been limited to the towns along US Highway 77. We will visit other towns in the county as time permits.
Cameron City Calaboose 1892 (Restored)
El Camino Real (Old Trail)
Sneed Log Cabin
Wall Murals in downtown Cameron
Numerous Iron Bridges throughout the county
International & Great Northern Railroad Passenger Depot in Rockdale
The Restored and working (in 2013) Kay Theater in Rockdale
Our List of additional attractions to see
The Rockdale Post Office … and the mural inside
Sugarloaf Bridge
Bryant Station Bridge
County Road 428 Bridge over the San Gabriel River
The 1869 Old Providence Baptist Church in Branchville
SPJST octagonal buildings in Buckholts
Bushdale Cemetery – Union Officer Grave
One of Texas’ longest murals in Cameron
Gause – Interesting structures
Nashville – Original County Seat of Milam County
Sharp – Interesting Structures
Thorndale – Interesting Structures
If anyone knows of anything else … please leave us a comment! We’d love to see it, next time we go out!!
Milam County Website
Texas State Historical Association
Wikipedia Article